

歡迎大家來參加南門校幼兒部第21屆小學部第15屆,公益校第二屆,上安校第一屆畢業典禮。二十多年前,沒人認同全英語環境的幼兒教育,康乃爾是台灣第一所學校做這樣的嘗試,到現在每家幼稚園都非雙語不可。俗話說路遙知馬力, 這二十多年來康乃爾一步一腳印,也驗證了它的實力,當別的學校開開關關,康乃爾不斷鞭策自己好還要更好,翻開台灣兒童英語教育的歷史,沒有任何一所學校歷史比康乃爾更長久,這也證明了康乃爾的品質最經得起考驗,在座的家長在許許多多學校可以作為選擇的情況下,將孩子託付給我們,有的長達將近十年,有的從七期惠中校跟到南門校,又再跟到公益校。剛剛ㄧ對家長特地帶著他們倆個孩子到後台與我致謝。他們很高興告訴我他們的兒子David從明道畢業,已經考上台中一中,其中英文還滿分,他們很開心也希望我能為David繼續 安排 老師上英文課,其實只要有心栽培孩子的家長,我們都會義不容辭幫助孩子繼續學習。你們對我們的信任,是我在完成教育自己兩個孩子的任務後,持續讓康乃爾繼續發陽光大的原動力。 


剛剛大家看到簡赫言小朋友精彩的演說,Danielle 最近是媒體寵兒,除了行政院請她幫忙政令宣導,馬總統也親自接見,她南北征戰贏得了許多中英文比賽的冠軍頭銜,今天我們特別請她以畢業生身分上台,我們希望所有家長都知道過去康乃爾是為了我自己兩個孩子設立,現在我更希望在座的小朋友,都可以像我的孩子,還是像David 和 Danielle一樣,成為所向無敵的中英文雙聲帶而且是全方位的優秀孩子。 


今天感謝康乃爾這麼多優秀專業的中外 籍 老師,為大家圓了不用出國但卻可以像小留學生一樣得到美式的教育,我們全體員工為了今天的活動努力的準備,希望孩子在邁向下一個學習階段可以留下一個難忘的回憶。感 謝我的 先生 葉錫東 教授給我的支持,也一再提醒我將康乃爾做為一個服務社會的學校,在混亂的英語教育市場中,保有一股清流。感謝大家的支持與愛護,讓我們有機會為您服務,祝福孩子展翅高飛前途燦爛!

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Thank you for attending our graduation ceremony.  It has been twenty-four years since we started our English immersion program.  It is very interesting that Cornel was the first and the only school offered the immersion program in Taiwan and now almost every school claims for having a bilingual program.  Over those years, there are countless schools opened and closed.  We are proud that Cornel is the only school stays.  Our high quality program has kept us on the cutting edge in English education.  We are very grateful for having supportive parents who have kept their children in our program for nearly ten years.   Some parents even followed us from Hueigh Chung school to Nan Men after Hueigh Chung was closed after the land was sold.   

This morning one of our students, David, came backstage with his parents to tell me that he has passed an arduous examination and is now eligible to attend the best high school in Taichung.  They thanked me for helping David with his English learning.  David has studied at Cornel since he was three and he wants to continue his lessons after he goes to high school.  Running a school is a very demanding job for me, but the students’ outstanding performance and the parents’ support is what drives me to keep Cornel the best.    

Last week the Ministry of Education announced that a standardized listening comprehension test would soon be implemented for high school students to take.  This new policy panicked the majority students because they were worried that they would fail the test.  We are very happy that we launched our Rainbow Time program nine years ago, and most of our graduates today were the first subscribers to the magazine.  Now they are well prepared for this test. 

At the Graduation Ceremony we invited one of our kindergarten graduates, Danielle, to give a short speech.  Danielle has become a super star after receiving various awards from government sponsored activities.  She is now a little ambassador for the government and even President Ma has summoned her.  Danielle is not the only student deserving praise.  Later we will also honor other outstanding students for their great achievements at Cornel.  We hope that all the Cornel students will become well-rounded bilinguals and one day be able to shine in any field they choose. 

Last week I went to China to discuss a collaborative project which will help us expand our program in China .  In the meantime, our city government has agreed to introduce our Rainbow Time program to students in all of the 235 elementary schools.  Students will gain reading certificates after they complete the on-line tasks.  Moreover, the well-known Wen Zhi Zhen Foundation is going to animate and digitalize Rainbow Time magazine for all the students in Taiwan and China.  All those exciting projects will allow us to offer Cornel students the most advanced and innovative instruction. 

Last but not least, I want to thank all of the Cornel staff for their great contributions.  Their devotion and diligence has brought our children the best English education.   In these past few months we have worked very hard to prepare a very interesting and entertaining program for you.  Please sit back and enjoy yourselves. Thank you for your everlasting support and I wish every graduate the best in his or her life. 





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